Plumba Gas & Drains your expert Central Coast LP Gas Plumbers
LP Gas is a widely used energy source on the Central Coast and due to its different properties to Natural Gas (LP Gas is heavier than air while Natural Gas is lighter than air) has a few more things to consider for your installation
Below is a few handy hints and guidelines for LP Gas Installations
LPG Gas Bottle Location Regulations – Installation Guidelines.
In summary:
Gas bottles must be placed safely away from ignition sources — primarily electrical devices and flames — in the event of a leak.
- Gas bottles cannot be placed close to wall openings, including windows, doors and vents, to preclude possible entry and collection of gas in enclosed spaces.
- Gas bottles must be a safe distance from openings to below ground spaces, for instance drains and pits, to prevent any possible build up of the heavier than air LPG.
- Gas bottles must be placed in well ventilated locations, avoiding alcoves and enclosures, to prevent possible accumulations of gas.
- Gas bottles must be placed on a solid base that is not subject to the accumulation of water.
- Line of sight must be maintained for in situ tanker deliveries.
What are LPG Gas Bottle Installation Regulations?
LPG gas bottle installation regulations specify location and clearances in the placement of gas bottles.
Distances from ignition sources, wall openings and below ground spaces, such as drains or pits, are all specified.
Gas bottles must be placed in well ventilated locations and on a solid base.
Why You Need to Know
In addition, homeowners need to understand the requirements if they install other devices, such as air conditioners, after the gas installation is already complete.
Tradesmen, other than gas fitters, would not necessarily understand the required clearance and placement restrictions when they install other gear on your home.
While your gas fitter will be well versed in proper gas cylinder placement, you should also be knowledgeable regarding the requirements
Wall Openings and Drains
In the unlikely event of a gas leak, you want to minimise the chance of gas entering any enclosed area, so a safe distance must be maintained from all wall openings.
Drains and pits are also an issue, as LPG is heavier than air and can collect in low set places.
The graphic below shows the minimum distance clearance to be maintained from various wall openings and drains:
Please note that all horizontal dimensions are measured from the centre line of the cylinders.
Ignition Sources
Ignition sources must also be kept a minimum safe distance clearance from the LPG gas cylinders.
This includes all electrical gear like electrical switches, power points, air conditioners, compressors, pumps, lights, movement sensors, bug zappers, NBN and Foxtel boxes, etc
Basically anything that can potentially spark.
Of course, it also includes your gas hot water heater, pool heater, barbecues, patio heaters or anything else with a flame.
The distance also varies based on whether you have tanker delivery or gas cylinder exchange.
On site filling does require a larger exclusion zone but it should be used, if possible, so you can enjoy the advantages of automatic tanker delivery.
NBN (Internet) Connection Boxes
Regarding the National Broadband Network (NBN) installation, the comms boxes used (see image) cannot be installed inside the exclusion zone of an LPG cylinder, as per AS/NZS 1596.
While considered no, or very low voltage, the current standard – AS 60079 – prohibits the installation inside the LPG cylinder exclusion zone.
Exclusion Zones for Exchange & Tanker Filling
The following two graphics show the requirements for exchange and tanker filling.
Exclusions zones do not apply to 9kg and smaller gas bottles.
Please note that all horizontal dimensions are measured from the centre line of the cylinders.
For Exchange Only:
For Tanker Delivery:
Distance From Appliances
The installation will cost you less if you place the cylinders as close as possible to the location of the gas appliances.
This is because you save on the cost of the extra piping.
Most gas fitters would routinely take this into consideration.
Well Ventilated Area
Gas cylinders should be situated in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid placement in alcoves or any enclosure.
Solid Base for Support
Gas cylinders need to be placed on a solid base, such as a concrete slab.
They should not be placed on grass or soil areas.
Gas Bottle Changeover Valves
While not actually a placement issue, you should decide on what type of changeover valve you want before the installation, assuming you go with exchange 45 kg cylinder delivery.
Automatic Changeover Valves have the advantage automatically switching between the two bottles and providing a coloured indicator when one is empty.
The only downside is if you forget to look at the indicator before the second cylinder is also empty.
While manual changeover valves do require you to manually switch between cylinders, you are provided with an unmistakable reminder to re-order your gas.
What is a Gas Compliance Certificate, Plate or Badge?
In summary:
- A gas compliance certificate is documentation that the gas installation complies with the standards and regulations issued by the governing body.
- It is issued by the gas fitter who performed the installation.
- The gas fitter is typically liable to correct any installation related defects.
- It may vary in form and can be a certificate, plate or badge.
- It let’s gas suppliers know that the installation is safe to supply.
Different States call them different names but a gas compliance certificate, plate or badge is very important documentation when you have gas at your home or business.
What you need to know:
Gas Fitters Provide the Certificates
All gas installations in Australia must be performed by a licensed gas fitter.
After installing and commissioning a gas appliance at your home, the licensed gas fitter must supply you with a copy of an installation certificate and/or fix a compliance plate or badge to the installation.
The gas fitter is required to issue a compliance certificate to the owner for any alteration or extension to an existing gas service or a new gas installation.
What Do They Mean?
Licensed gas fitters self-certify that their gas installation work complies with all relevant regulations, standards and codes by issuing a compliance certificate to you.
The compliance certificate contains a declaration, by the gas fitter, that your installation complies with all standards and requirements.
Protection For You
This is actually protection for you, if any problems develop later.
If the problems are the result of faulty workmanship, the gas fitter will be required to fix the defect.
No Gas Without One
Compliance certificates are also necessary for obtaining your gas supply, as gas providers cannot supply an uncertified installation.
The certificate needs to be available before the gas is connected for the first time.
In most States, the gas fitter will give you a copy to pass on to your gas supplier.
Use Licensed Gas Fitters
You must always use a licensed gas fitter for any projects that involves gas.
This includes gas appliance installations, repairs and maintenance, as well as installing LPG gas bottles on your home and all other gas fitting work.
Licensed gas fitters have a gas fitter number, issued by their State regulatory authority, authorising them to carry out gas fitting work.
Some States have different endorsements for different types of gas fitting work, such as gas appliance conversions.
Ask to see the gas fitter’s license to confirm that the tradesperson is entitled to do the specific type of gas work you require.
Gas Fitters vs Plumbers
Many gas fitters are also plumbers but not all plumbers are gas fitters.
If you require work to be done on a gas hot water system, make sure you get a tradesperson who is licensed for both the gas fitting and plumbing trades.
Also, you may need to ask the gas fitter if he does the specific kind of gas installation that you need, such as a gas fireplace.
Not all gas fitters are experienced at installing all types of gas appliances, so you should not hesitate to ask.
Plumba Gas & Drains would like to thank ELGAS for allowing us to use some of these LP Gas handy hints and diagrams from their website
ELGAS is Plumba Gas & Drains preferred LP (bottled) Gas supplier
ELGAS can be contacted on 131 161 or through their website www.elgas.com.au
A Central Coast Plumbing Business, based in Noraville NSW We provide Central Coast Plumbing services of all kinds but specialise in LP and Natural Gas Repairs and Installations…
Plumba Gas & Drains is a licenced, highly experienced and professional Gas Plumbing services provider to all areas of the Central Coast.
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LP Gas is a widely used energy source on the Central Coast and due to its different properties to Natural Gas (LP Gas is heavier than air while Natural Gas is lighter than air) has a few more things to consider for your installation
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